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The PJ Tatler » Tool Watch: 'Occupy Wall Street' Drones Mindlessly Repeat Whatever Frances Fox Piven Says

The PJ Tatler » Tool Watch: 'Occupy Wall Street' Drones Mindlessly Repeat Whatever Frances Fox Piven Says The Occupy movement is experiencing the lessons of history and the development of civilization the hard way. (Via Ace of Spades HQ.)...

Pajamas Media » My Fellow Conservatives, Let's Be Bad Guys!

Pajamas Media » My Fellow Conservatives, Let's Be Bad Guys! Stephen Green writes: "No matter what we do, we're painted as the villains. So let's twirl our mustaches and get to work.... "We cannot buy our way into friendship in...

Flammable Pajamas Media « Dr. Melissa Clouthier

Flammable Pajamas Media « Dr. Melissa Clouthier An outsider looks at the closure of Pajamas Media's blog network and makes a good point about why video doesn't work well with blogging. A commenter notes: "My argument against video is the... - A READER AT A MAJOR NEWSROOM EMAILS - A READER AT A MAJOR NEWSROOM EMAILS "Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of 4 people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and 4...

Roger L. Simon » Bob Costas' rug and other Olympic observations

Roger L. Simon » Bob Costas' rug and other Olympic observations NBC mixes Bush Derangement Syndrome in with its coverage, while giving ChiCom oppression and cheating a pass. From "Lightnin' Hopkins" in the comments: "What is it with sports anchors...

Pajamas Media: Muslims Leaving Islam in Droves

Pajamas Media: Muslims Leaving Islam in Droves "In Iran as many as 1 million people have surreptitiously converted to Evangelical Christianity in the last five years.... One Iranian religious scholar believes youth are abandoning Islam because it is identified with...

Faster, Please!: Maybe We're Winning in Iraq

Faster, Please!: Maybe We're Winning in Iraq Michael Ledeen looks to counterinsurgency theory to explain the dramatic successes in Anbar, Basra, and elsewhere: "In the early phases of the conflict, the people remain as neutral as they can, simply trying...

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